A year long grief mentorship program from Summer Solstice 2024 to Summer Solstice 2025 culminating in a two week guided pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain.

This program is meant to be a vessel to hold a small cohort in emerging from the underworld journey catalyzed by loss and offering the harvest to the world.

There will be live monthly calls centered around grief initiations that will include ritual, nature soujourns, storytelling, somatics, and song.

Over Solstice 2025 we will walk with our grief and with our gifts. We will embody an ancient cyclical knowing that not only do we walk west toward the setting sun, but we also let the sun die, go through the dark night, so we may emerge and be impregnated by the new day, carrying that light home, the gift.

Lodging and food will be included for the two weeks on the camino. Airfare not included.


Each pilgrimage is unique based on the unique participants that join and the natural unfolding of the group but all pilgrimages include poetry, ritual, story, movement, sounding and song, sojourns into the wild lands, soul tasks, and council. Each group will be no more than 9 people to maintain the intimacy of the container.
——Winter Pilgrimage begins Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024, 3-5 MST

—-Spring Pilgrimage begins April 2nd, 3-5 MST

——Summer Pilgrimage begins July, 16th, 3-5 MT

——Fall Pilgrimage begins October 1st

Offering: $375

$$$ I want to make this work accessible to all. Please reach out if your heart says yes to this work and the offering doesn’t feel accessible to you and can find a payment plan that works for you.

In my time guiding pilgrimages, many of the moms I have worked with have asked for a pilgrimage that is only for moms who have lost children, and so I have created this pilgrimage as a holding space for that specific grief.

The next Mothers grieving the loss of a child pilgrimage begins Monday March 4th, 2024 3-5 MT


Grief retreats

Taking time away from our lives to be with our grief is an important part of a grieving process. It allows for healing to happen, so that we can re-enter our life with a renewed perspective and vitality. Grief retreats with Siobhan happen in retreat centers around the country and sometimes international. These one, three or five day in person retreats are opportunities for participants to explore and to tend to their grief with others.

2024 Retreats:

Mothers Grieving together Retreat August 2024

Body Initiations Day long Immersion w/ Laura Weaver May 2024

Walking with Grief Retreat in person July 31st through August 4th, 2024


Preparing the soils: Online Zoom calls

Preparing for a journey is almost as important as the journey itself. Just like planting a garden, the first step is tending to the soil. In the two weeks before our time in person, participants will be exploring what it means to tend to the soil of the inner being in preparation for a grief pilgrimage. There will be guided instruction via emails and zoom calls to begin walking toward our time together.

Planting the seeds and tending the garden -In person

Once our bags are packed and we have put to the back burner all of the responsibilities in our various worlds, we travel together into the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, and into our inner wildlands. For five days we gather together in a remote sanctuary and make pilgrimage into the holy lands of our inner selves.

This pilgrimage together will include meditation, intentional walking as well as other movement practices, forest bathing, story, fire circles, song, ritual, council and various writing prompts. This is an opportunity to unwind from the day-to-day and be in contact with the life that is living just beneath the surface of self, to share the untold stories, to be nourished by mystery.

The harvest: Online Zoom Calls

There is a wisdom in cultivating a Return that is unique to each individual. In the two weeks after our time in person, as participants re-enter their lives, there will be an exploration on how to best harvest the experience, and how to metabolize and integrate all that had been harvested. In these week after our time in person, participants will explore what it means to Return to their community after having been in the liminal.

Food and lodging included

Offering suggestions:

Day long non-residential programs $150

3 day residential retreat $1000

5 day residential retreat $1750

Pay what you can: If finances are a thing, and you have a yes to doing this work, please reach out, and we can find payment plan that works for you.


6 week online grief pilgrimage for pilgrims who have traveled through the first six week pilgrimage, and are desiring to dip into the work again.  This will be a deeper dive into our individual grief practices, an opportunity to create rhythms and rituals, grooves that can support an ongoing relationship with grief. Each week participants will commit to a different daily practice including a sit spot practice, a journaling practice, a movement practice, a sounding practice, and a ritual practice, as well as that weeks soul task invitation. Our calls will be dedicated to council and an exploration of what it means to ripen a relationship with grief.  Because intimacy is required for our time together, I am only accepting seven participants.  Dates to be announced.


Sliding scale $350

$$$ any other amount that feels true for you. I suggest these amounts and also want to make this work accessible to all. Please reach out if your heart says yes to this work and offer what feels good for you.

1:1 grief walks and online zoom calls

Grief walking is the practice of walking in landscapes with our grief as a way to deepen our relationship with grief and also with soul. This is a one on one land based experience working with Siobhan and the wild lands to find new pathways of understanding. I also offer one on one zoom sessions, where grief pilgrims are offered invitations to sojourn on their own and then we work via zoom to explore the meanings woven into the walks.

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